with Wouter van Veldhoven

Cyclus 3 is an audiovisual installation resulting from a collaboration between Wouter van Veldhoven and me. We were invited by Dianne Verdonk from Sounds Like Touch to create a piece that would explore the physicalities in electronics, visuals, sound and music. The installation was displayed during Gaudeamus Festival 2022 at Het Hof van Cartesius in Utrecht.
Both Wouter and me are fascinated by machines that have a direct link of function and form. By getting rid of layers that are in between the sources and potential results we enabled a research of how feedback loops and modifications of the components affects the sonic and visual output. The machines and their characteristics are just an essential element of the resulting piece as the output they produce.
Cyclus 3 is built with old audio and video equipment like tape recorders, a voicemail machine from the 50’s, CRT screens, videomixers, CCTV cameras, etc. Automation of the video equipment is done with a MaxMSP patch, the tape recorders and voicemail machine are automated with PureData.